Bishop Kurialacherry Nature Cure & Yoga Centre offers effective treatment for ailments by using the science of Natural Healing and Naturopathy. Naturopathy is based on the belief that the body is self-healing. The body will repair itself and recover from illness spontaneously if it is in a healthy environment and the improvement is fast when it is supported by the natural elements and treatments. Fasting and diet control have utmost importance in naturopathy. Here food is the medicine.Hydro Therapy - (Steam Bath, Hip Bath, Spinal Bath, Spinal Spray Enema etc.)
Mud Therapy
Chromo Therapy
Magneto Therapy Osteopathy and Chiro practice
Acupuncture and Acupressure
Massage Therapy
Physiotherapy Exercise and Electro Therapy
Helio and Aroma Therapy
Yogasanas, Pranayams, Meditation
Hydro TherapyThe therapy includes Hipbath, Spinal bath, Neutral Immersion bath, Medicinal Immersion bath, Spinal Spray, Aroma Therapy, Packs, Steam bath, and Cryotherapy etc.

Mud bath, Mud packs, Special beauty tips with mud packs is included in this therapy.
Helio Therapy
In Helio Therapy, Thermoleum, Atapasana and Herbal sunbath are conducted. Different herbal preparations are used which are very effective in skin diseases.
Massage Therapy
It is a scientific tension removing method with oil massage (using Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil and Ayurvedic oils) and powder massage (using Swedish method, Chiropractic and traditional Ayurvedic methods)
Ultra sound Traction unit, Wax Therapy, Short wave Diathermy, Interferential Therapy, Moist heat etc. are used in Electro Therapy.
Diet Therapy
Combining the modern nutritional principles with traditional dieting methods.

Another theory suggests that acupuncture stimulates the body to produce narcotic-like substances called endorphins, which reduce pain. Other studies have found that other pain-relieving substances called opiods may be released into the body during acupuncture treatment.
The ancient healing art of reflexology first practiced by the early Indian, Chinese and Egyptian people has been known to man for many thousands of years. It is observed that congestion or tension in any part of the foot mirrors congestion or tension in a corresponding part of the body. Thus, when you treat the big toes there is a related effect in the head, and treating the whole foot can have a relaxing and healing effect on the whole body.